Sunday, December 26, 2010

Brand New Start + Christmas Getaway

i deleted my previous post just because they're arent interesting at all. kekeke so here i am doing the best i can do to make a new post that can be interesting for me. anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! ^^,

spent christmas at baguio with the family~ and i bought my favorite cakes from TEA HOUSE~ Blueberry Cheese cake and Chona's Delight!

*not the actual pictures coz already ate it~ nom nom nom
i studied at Saint Louis University, Baguio City for 2semesters and 1summer but for personal reasons i decided to go back to Pangasinan to be with my mom. Baguio, for me, is really close to my heart. it's like my second home. when i was in baguio, i felt my independence. i cook my own food, i do my groceries, i party with friends etcetera. ohh~ the good times!
although a part of me regreted that i transferred, i definetely look at it in the bright side. maybe there is something that God wants me to do so i went back to the province.
i'll stop right here. til' next time!

*being a Kpop lover at PMA. lol

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